Saturday, January 25, 2020
Green Banking In India Environmental Sciences Essay
Green Banking In India Environmental Sciences Essay Moving to a prosperous low carbon economy can drive innovation, increase productivity and generate new well paid jobs. However, to achieve this, significant new investment will need to be found and, though government can provide the necessary incentives, it will be the private sector that will provide the bulk of this investment. Climate change is a significant issue for India. But while the effects of climate change are increasingly a risk to the health, economy and the environment of the country, economists are also recognizing that there are financial rewards from controlling climate change and developing a low carbon economy. Banks can provide important leadership for the required economic transformation that will provide new opportunities for financing and investment policies as well as portfolio management for the creation of a strong and successful low carbon economy. In this report I have tried to examine how banks can be catalysts for change. Discussing how banks are providing commitment and leadership in creating a low carbon economy and also the challenges to investment. A carbon credit is a generalised term used for any tradable certificate or permission representing the right to emit one tonne of carbon di-oxide [CO2] à The goal of carbon trading is to allow market mechanisms to drive industrial and commercial processes in the direction of low emissions or less carbon intensive approaches than those used when there is no cost to emittingà carbon dioxideà and other GHGs [Greenhouse Gases] into the atmosphere. In simple terms carbon credits gives a monetary value to the action of polluting the atmosphere and hence reduce greenhouse emissions, thus playing a pretty important role in saving the planet. Of late there has been a lot of discussion regarding the environment management in industrialised countries. However, because of the financial globalisation and ever increasing environmental regulations, there has been a large development in the banking sector which has been operating in developing and emerging countries and is pressed to better manage risks from environmental liabilities. As other economic players and industries, banks also consume natural resources. However, in developing countries this type of environmental impact can potentially be high in view of the insufficient availability of clean sources of energy. [Banco Itaà º, one of the largest banks in Brazil, recycles 2,200 tons of shredded paper annually] INTRODUCTION CLIMATE CHANGE-BACKGROUND 1.1 CLIMATE CHANGE-THE SCIENCE We all know that the climate change is a serious issue and which needs to be taken great care of in the near future or else we will have to face serious consequences in the future. A study conducted by The Climate Group with Price WaterHouse Coopers indicates an increase of more than 0.7 Ãâ¹Ã
¡C over the last century and will continue to rise. The current projections of global average temperature change are in the order of 0.2 Ãâ¹Ã
¡C per decade (from 1990 2050) or between 1.1 Ãâ¹Ã
¡C and 6.4Ãâ¹Ã
¡C within a century. CLIMATE CHANGE-THE INTERNATIONAL POLICY RESPONSE There have been international conferences and concerns on how to save the environment and efforts have been taken to gain consensus on how to save the environment since the early 1990s. In 1997 UNFCCC [United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change] introduced the Kyoto Protocol [1] India being a non-Annex 1 party to the UNFCCC is under no legal obligation to curtail its greenhouse gases [GHGs] emissions, but India has announced a voluntary plan to reduce the carbon emission intensity by 20-25% by 2020. The Indian Government is very keen and has shown great interest in finding the solution to this problem and is actively involved in discussions that will lead to a Post Kyoto regime that tackles the problems. UNFCCC also held a recent conference in at Copenhagen called the CoP [Conference of Parties], which did not deliver any legal binding commitments, but the Accord it produced had led to all the major developing nations to publish their plans on how they will cut or reduce the gas emissions over the coming decades. Also a massive financial help was pledged, which can be counted as a success of the summit [US$ 30 Billion by the end of 2012 and a total of US$ 100 Billion by 2020] for the mitigation and help of developing countries to implement the plans for cutting down the emissions, along with the deployment of latest technology and techniques. India is sure to receive a major part of these funds but our authorities need to ensure that the necessary framework is in place to take best advantage of them. 1.3 CLIMATE CHANGE-INDIAs RESPONSE India s National Action Plan on climate change essentially proposes eight national missions , namely , Solar ; Enhanced Energy Efficiency ; Sustainable Habitat; Water; Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem ; Green India ; Sustainable Agriculture; and Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change India holds a major position and is signatory to both UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol. The Clean Development Mechanism [CDM] provided by Kyoto Protocol has provided India with a significant opportunity for reducing carbon emissions at a relatively low price through renewable energy projects and energy efficient projects. The above also provides India with a wonderful opportunity of creating and trading carbon credits via (through) the help of regulated carbon emission trading schemes, in exchange of money. The CDM also allows and helps developed countries like USA to invest in emission reduction globally where it is the cheapest. The success of CDM can be gauged by the fact that since its inception in 2001 till 2012 it would have 1.5 billion tonnes of carbon-d-ioxide equivalent emission reductions. India along with CDM has also been working to develop a National Action Plan on Climate Change which enumerates a number of steps to simultaneously advance Indias development and climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives. Finance especially the BANKING SECTOR is a key element of the National Action Plan on Climate Change, outlined in the plans National Missions. Example 1: NATIONAL MISSION ON ENHANCED ENERGY EFFICIENCY The proposed National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) has been designed to focus on the creation of mechanisms that supports financing of demand side energy management programs by capturing the financial benefits of future energy savings. The Partial Risk Guarantee Fund has been developed with a purpose of providing commercial banks with partial coverage of risk exposure against loans made for energy efficiency projects. India has set voluntary targets to reduce carbon emissions intensity by 20-25% by 2020. The targets are being supported by legislation that requires mandatory fuel efficiency norms for all automobile vehicles, introduces green building codes, techniques and provides an amendment to the Energy Conservation Act to make it necessary for an initial group of 714 energy intensive businesses to take part in a scheme to cap energy usage and subsequently trade energy efficiency certificates. BANKING SECTOR RESPONSE TO CLIMATE CHANGE We are all aware of the fact that banks play a very important role in mobilizing financial resources across the economy-in particular for providing investment money i.e. capital for large scale infrastructure and low carbon technology deployment. As of now the climatic changes have only effected/influenced the financial decisions only on the margin i.e. to a very less extent. That too the impact is much less in India as compared to other developed or developing countries. The following are a few international examples of the same: In all over 180 financial institutions support the United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) which is the oldest association between UN and banking, insurance and investment worlds There was an increase in the pace of the global clean energy investment from US$ 60 billion in 2006 to US$ 150 billion in the year 2007 Banks that have been controlling more than 80% of global project finance volume have adopted the Equator Principles[2]. 2.1 BANKING RESPONSE TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN INDIA IBA [Indian Bank Association] and TCG [The Climate Group] conducted a study know about how banks in India are responding to the climatic changes. The survey which was carried out focussed basically on following five themes: COMMITMENT LEADERSHIP Questioning the commitment of the bank and how is it demonstrated. MANAGEMENT To what level does the management take interest and participate in and around the climate change issues and how is the bank tackling its own impact. ENABLERS What are the key enablers for pushing the climate change agenda as perceived by the bank? PERCIEVED BARRIER What are the major barriers and key inhibitors which hinder the climate change agenda as perceived by the bank. INNOVATION AND ACTION What are the core business activities, products and services which the banks are offering to fight the climatic changing conditions. 2.2 THE SOLUTION: GREEN BANKING IN INDIA For the last one and a half decade India is on a higher growth trajectory and the industrial sector has been playing a very important role in Indias growth. However, Indian growth has always been limited due to the challenges faced in controlling the environmental impact of their business activities i.e. reducing pollution and emissions of their clients. Though environmental legislations and laws are being framed by the government to address the issue and it also encourages the industry to follow the environmental technologies and practices, but they are not enough considering the poor track record of enforcement, public awareness and inability to derive competitive advantage by producing eco friendly products. Just for the fact-book India is the sixth largest and the second fastest growing country in terms of producing green house gases. To add to your surprise three of Indias metropolitan capitals are amongst the worlds ten most polluted cities. The industries which contribute to making these cities most polluted majorly are: (a) Metallurgical Industries (b) Paper Pulp (c) Pesticides/Insecticides (d) Refineries (e) Tanneries/Fertilizers (f) Sugar etc. Thus the banking operations and investment by the financial institutions should take care of these polluting industries which can be done by improving the overall environment, the quality and conservation of life, level of efficiency in using the materials and energy, quality of services and products and hence in this context, the role of banking sector, which is the major source of financing for these industries, which is used for the implementation of the eco-friendly measures. The environmental regulations in India can be broadly classified in two broad categories: Command Control Regulations. Liability Laws. However, there is no law in India which can hold banks responsible for the checking and scrutinizing investment projects and granting/denying the financial aid to a company on the basis of environmental damage to be caused by the client. The most important thing here is that because of the growing concern for the environment legal framework for the environmental pollution standards are being formulated in India and once the formulation is done the companies violating these rules will either have to shut down or will have to make the necessary changes in terms of investment and methodology which will require the help of banking sector, thus proving the importance of GREEN BANKING. In the above process the above companies are sure to loose their viability and competitiveness in the international market and this will eventually affect the Indian Economy and the Banking Sector. Thus for the future prospects and the current scenario it is very important for the banks to protect themselves from the changing of their performing assets [3] to non performing assets [4]. If the banks realize these facts then the adoption of GREEN BANKING becomes fast and easily acceptable to them. One thing which is very obvious is that the industries that are ill equipped in preventing pollution today are the possible polluters of the future Example 2 Non Compliance to the Mandated Environmental Standards About a hundred and fifty SSI (Small Scale Industries) units around Agra and Delhi had been forced by the government authorities to make changes in the methodology or were made to shut down the entire units because of non compliance to the mandated environmental standards and were hence declared nonperforming assets for the banks that financed them. These rigorous steps were taken with the ultimate goal of protecting the Taj Mahal situated in Agra from the Greenhouse Gases and thus eventually losing its charm. Apart from the list above there are a number of companies that have been closed down due to non compliance of the standards in such a scenario the banks are the only ones incurring a financial loss due to the increase in bad asset and liability. The following Table1 reflects category wise summary status of pollution control in 17 categories of industries in India where we find that the industries are increasingly complying with pollution control norms. Refer to Table 1 in the appendix. 2.3 DISAPPOINTMENTS FACED: GREEN BANKING IN INDIA The financial banks and institutions are running far behind the schedules as compared to the global trends. None of the Indian banks or financial institutions have adopted the equator principle [2] even for the sake of records. None of our banks are signatories to the UNEPFI [5]. The British business newspaper and Financial Times in a joint effort nominated for Sustainable Banking Awards in 2006 for leadership and innovation in integrating social, environmental and corporate governance objectives into their operations did not find a single Indian nationalized bank or major private bank in the list except Yes bank (which is a small player in Indian Banking sector) which was nominated in Emerging Markets Sustainable Bank of the Year category. The other nominations have been shown in Table-2. It was very evident that there was no systematic attempt to integrate the environmental concerns into the business operations here by our nationalised banks. Though there has been a little improvement as in the previous years as for the year 2007 ET sustainable banking award two banks namely YES Bank and ABN AMRO Bank had filed nominations. Though its a little improvement but it also shows the ignorance in the part of our banks about the green banking initiatives at international levels. As we all know today the products of the countries violating the human rights or child labour laws are denied in countries like US and UK (European Markets), so it would not be surprising if the export of the domestic polluting industries get a severe jolt if they continue to neglect the degrading environment. If such a thing happens then the major blow would be to the Indian Banking sector because most of the SSIs have sponsored by the Indian Banks and if they do not comply with the environment standards then they would be worst hit by such an act. Therefore, banks in India need to be more careful about the environment aspects of both clients and products because: The future of exports and product markets will be going through stringent environmental rules and eco-friendly products will have a better future. Increased demands for pollution control equipments will want more and more financial aid from the banks. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) may also follow environmental friendly rules and regulations hence enforcing them on other banks just like the IFC [6] and Asian Development Bank [7]. Recent announcement by the government to use economic instruments for environmental control may also include banks also. Big investment projects supported by international organizations like The World Bank and ADB [7] require EIA [8]. 2.4 THE BRIGHTER SIDE: COMMITMENT AND SENIOR LEADERSHIP CHANGE IN INDIA Number of Banks Participating in: Carbon Disclosure Project 5 UNEP FI 2 UN Global Impact 2 Equator Principles 2 Climate Principles 1 Four Indian Banks named the challenges due to climate changes as very important and in the Top Ten Priorities Critical To Success Seven out of the eight banks surveyed believe that commercial lending banks in India can play a leadership role in the business community in addressing the challenges of climate change. The top management has been driving the climate change agenda in majority of the surveyed banks. Banks that demonstrate a high level of senior support for addressing climate change also demonstrate a high level of activity around initiatives that address the issue. All private sector and international banks involved in the climate change activities through formal partnership or relationships with external partners at a regional, national or international level. Public sector banks have not been taking part voluntarily but have been postponing the work until the legislations have been forced upon. Participating banks have highlighted that they have been forming partnerships with government agencies as well as industry associations to effectively discuss and act on issues. The RBI has issued notifications on corporate social responsibility for banks with reference to the role of banks in sustainable development and non financial reporting Six out of eight banks highlighted that the change in climate will highly affect the way they conduct their business and hence they would want to take advantage of the situation and enforce their business by being well prepared for the coming situations. 2.5 ROLE OF MANAGEMENT: GREEN BANKING IN INDIA Policies and Programs: Most of the banks have a formal written statement which describes the purpose and objectives of the organizations commitment to climate change. Such statements are usually included in the annual report of the company. Most of the banks have also been putting in place the policy of saving/reducing the footprints of the electricity consumption by implementing energy efficient systems in the offices and also by replacing the older systems. Most of the banks have a specific policy in place to consider the environmental issues associated with energy use, purchasing, transport, recycling and waste minimization. 2.6 MANAGING CARBON EMISSION Majority of the banks have been calculating their energy consumption and carbon footprint. Banks are getting external audits done for their energy consumption and follow it as a norm as opposed to the exception. The findings of such audits are being used to reduce their bills of energy consumption. All the banks have been indicating that the issue of climate change and sustainability was important to the organization. Example 3 Union Bank of Indias Energy Efficient Measures The union bank of India has decided to take an annual electrical energy audit. The bank has also installed solar power water heaters at the various facilities they maintain. Its the support service department of the bank that has been identified to implement such an energy reduction program. 2.7 EXTERNAL REPORTING All the participating banks communicate their actions on climate change as a part of their Environment or Corporate Social Responsibility Reports and statements. Almost 5 out of the 8 banks surveyed maintained their own greenhouse gas inventory such as calculating their carbon foot printing and undertaking annual energy audits. Seven out of the eight banks have a energy reduction or emission reduction plans on the agenda. Example 4 IDBI Bank IDBI bank is a member of National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC). The bank is also an authorised signatory to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). CDP aims to create a relationship between shareholders and corporations regarding the shareholder value and commercial operations because of the climatic changes. 2.8 INTERNAL COMMUNICATION AND EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT All the participating banks claimed that the issues relating the climatic changes were communicating internally to the concerned employees. Five out of the eight bank also informed that they have also initiated employee engagement programs so as to tackle the situations arising out of climatic change. Majority of the banks have also put up information regarding the climatic change on their intranet sites. Many banks have also been training their employees on specific technical fronts such as, sustainability screens on lending portfolios, enhanced investment criteria for low carbon projects. Banks have also been implementing car pools for their employees, hence encouraging not only clerical staff but also higher management to share transport so as to save the environment. Example 5 HSBC Global Research: Climate Change The HSBC Climate Change Centre of Excellence which had been established in 2007 has been ever since investigating the likely risks and opportunities of climate change for the financial markets and HSBCs business unit. About 30 reports were produced by the Centre in 2009, which also included a comprehensive analysis of fiscal stimulus for climate related investments. These reports have helped over 3000 customers to identify the opportunity and plan for potential climate change risks. 2.9 ENABLERS FOR CLIMATE CHANGE ACTIVITIES Internal Factors: The top internal factors which have an effect on the climate change activities can be broadly classified as: Economic Benefits and Profitability Board influence Marketing benefits Refer to Table 3 External Factors: The top external factors can be specified as: Environment benefits Competitive advantage/new business opportunities. 2.10 PERCIEVED BARRIERS TO CLIMATE CHANGE ACTIVITIES In the survey conducted by TCG and IBA it was concluded that the following are considered to be the major barriers for the cause: The Indian system lacks regulatory benefits and policy. The personnel lack technical knowhow. The cost implications. One interesting fact that came in light after the survey was that many banks in the survey wanted more legal regulations that provide an enabling framework. Some banks also raised the point that lack of general awareness about the climatic changes and its implications hindered their efforts to implement the green banking concept. Cost implications were also highlighted as a major hindrance, by three of the eight banks, to addressing climatic changes. However they believe that due to the added advantages and features such a s improved reputation or increased customer loyalty can overcome the financial concerns. Refer to Table 4 2.11 INNOVATION AND ACTION The Climate Principles framework have been represented in the research innovation and action by the banks as findings from key business lines. Research: The survey revealed that only two out of the eight banks currently have research on climate changes being carried on. The research being carried on by the Indian banks are less sophisticated as required by the cause. As most of the research is based on global level and is based on international standards the personnel here in India lack the technical knowhow of implementing the survey. Retail Banking: Half of the participating banks reported that they have implemented/incorporated carbon and climate issues to their retail banking arena. The banks also claimed to convince their clients to use paperless as a part of their green campaigns at retail outlets. Corporate Banking: Many of the banks that participated responded that many initiatives in corporate banking are underway which facilitates a transformation to a low carbon economy. Banks are also cognizant of how client defaults may increase from unanticipated `or underestimated mitigation. Project Finance: As there is a lack of knowhow to evaluate the risks associated with the changing climate and also the opportunities arising out of such a condition thus it acts as an hindrance for the consideration of finance of projects relating to climatic changes. Lack of technical knowhow often tends to raise the total cost of the project and hence restrains banks from entering into such a project finance. Asset Management: This field of the finance sector is still in its preliminary/infancy stage in India. So far only one bank has been thoughtful enough to launch a fund that takes account of ESG [9] issues. LEADING INDIAN BANKS AND GREEN BANKING 3.1 STATE BANK OF INDIA SBI Example 3.1.1 SBI Green Home Loans The State Bank Of India has started a new policy which they call as SBI Green Home Loans. It has been started with the objective of supporting the cause against the climate change and its implications. One of the initiatives which the bank has taken is the bank provides incentives to customers who choose green projects i.e. those projects which will be helpful in reducing the gas and carbon emission and help saving energy. Green Housing or Green Home is one of the types of loan identified for this purpose. The new Green Home Loan Scheme supports environmentally friendly residential projects and offers various concessions like reduced margins lower interest rates and zero processing fee. Example 3.1.2 Generation of Green Power SBI State Bank of India became the first bank in India to venture into the generation of Green Power on its own for by the installation of windmills for captive use. This action has been carried out as a Green Banking initiative, SBI has installed 10 windmills with the total aggregate capacity of around 15 MW in various parts of the country like Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Maharashtra. The future plans by the banks are even more lucrative as they plan to install additional 20 MW capacity windmills in Gujarat and soon touch a total production of 100 MW power generation through windmills in the coming five years. The officials of the bank believe that the bank consumes around 100 MW of energy in an year and hence by this initiative they are trying to be energy neutral and reducing their carbon footprints. The project has been carried on by Suzlon Energy and as one of the employees tells the cost of installation of one windmill of 1.5 MW is around Rs. 10 Cr. And the bank believes that the initial investment will be recovered in a short period of four years In an interview Mr. Tulsi R.Tanti CMD Suzlon Energy said that the mission of Suzlon Energy is to make all the Indian Banks go green and he also informed of being in talks with 25 banks. 3.2 ICICI BANK ICICI Banks Environmentally Sustainable Finance Initiative Example 3.2.1 Corporate Environmental Stewardship Initiatives ICICI Bank pioneered the corporate environmental stewardship programme with the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) to sensitize various corporate bodies, financial institutions/banks and government agencies involved in the project planning on issues regarding biodiversity, wildlife habitats, various environmental laws and conventions. As a part of the programme BNHS has initiated Green Governance Award to recognize the efforts of the company working for this cause. Example 3.2.2 ICICIs Clean Technology Initiative ICICI bank has been assisting many government and non government organizations to undertake clean energy and environmentally sustainable projects/initiatives. ICICI bank has been assisting projects that would specifically promote energy efficiency, renewable, demand side management by utilities etc. ICICI bank has also assisted ESCOs [10] in facilitating various urban local bodies and manufacturing companies in reducing their energy bills. 3.3 IDBI BANK Example 3.3.1 IDBI Carbon Desk IDBI bank has a separate team working on the CDM advisory service. The bank provides end to end services from the documentation to registration of the CDM projects for the commercialization of carbon credits. The bank also provides an upfront financing against the carbon credits/carbon credit receivables. The bank also facilitates the registration of the projects with UNFCCC and trading of carbon credits generated by the CDM Projects. There is also a refinance scheme initiated by the bank for energy saving projects for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) sector.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Project Network
A project network illustrates the relationships between activities (or tasks) in the project. Showing the activities as nodes or on arrows between event nodes are two main ways to draw those relationships. With activities on arrow (AOA) diagrams, you are limited to showing only the finish-to-start relationships ââ¬â that is, the arrow can represent only that the activity spans the time from the event at the start of the arrow to the event at the end. As well, ââ¬Å"dummyâ⬠activities have to be added to show some of the more complex relationships and dependencies between activities.These diagrams came into use in the 1950's, but are now falling into disuse. Activity on node (AON) diagrams place the activity on the node, and the interconnection arrows illustrate the dependencies between the activities. There are more flexible and can show all of the major types of relationships. Since the activity is on a node, the emphasis (and more data) usually can be placed on the activi ty. AOA diagrams emphasize the milestones (events); AON networks emphasize the tasks. Introduction to The Nine Project Management Knowledge AreasAlso read about our new agile delivery model calledà Scrumthat is significantly different than theà model below. As a PMP I often get questions about what goes into running a project. I will try to explain in a couple of articles the various components that make up a project. There are several ways to look at a project as a whole. You can view it as a series of processes. Some processes are executed in order and some are recurring processes that are executed at various stages throughout the entire project.You can also view the project from the different knowledge areas that are needed to execute the project. I will cover the knowledge areas in this article and go on to the processes in my next article. There are nine knowledge areas and each one covers its own important part of the project. A knowledge area can cover several phases or p rocess groups of the project. The nine areas are mentioned below in some detail. Integration Management If each little part of the project is a tree, Integration Management is the entire forest.It focuses on the larger tasks that must be done for the project to work. It is the practice of making certain that every part of the project is coordinated. In Integration Management, the project is started, the project plan is assembled and executed, the work is monitored and verification of the results of the work is performed. As the project ends the project manager also performs the tasks associated with closing the project. A project manager must be very good at Integration Management or the project may very well fail.Other knowledge areas are also important, but Integration Management is the area that requires the most management and control of the entire project. Scope Management This area involves control of the scope of the project. It involves management of the requirements, detail s and processes. Changes to the scope should be handled in a structured, procedural, and controlled manner. The goal of scope management is to define the need, set the expectations, deliver to the expectations, manage changes, and minimize surprises and gain acceptance of the project.Good scope management focuses on making sure that the scope is well defined and communicated very clearly to all stakeholders. It also involves managing the project to limit unnecessary changes. Time Management Project Time Management is concerned with resources, activities, scheduling and schedule management. It involves defining and sequencing activities and estimating the duration and resources needed for each activity. The goal is to build the project schedule subsequently to manage changes and updates to the schedule.When the schedule is first created, it is often referred to as the time baseline of the project. It is later used to compare updated baselines to the original baseline. Many project ma nagers use software to build and maintain the schedule and baselines. Cost Management This knowledge area includes cost estimating and budgeting. After the cost of the project has been estimated the project management must control the cost and makes changes to the budget as needed. The Project Cost Estimate is dependent on the accuracy of the cost estimate of each activity in the project.The accuracy changes as the project progresses. For instance, in the initiation of the project the estimate is more difficult to assess than later in the project when the scope and the schedule have been defined in detail. Quality Management This area is an important area where outputs of different processes are measured against some predetermined acceptable measure. The project manager must create a quality management plan. The quality plan is created early in the project because decisions made about quality can have a significant impact on other decisions about scope, time, cost and risk.The area also includes quality control and assurance. The main difference between control and assurance is that control looks at specific results to see if they conform to the quality standard, whereas assurance focuses primarily on the quality process improvement. Human Resource Management This area involves HR planning like roles and responsibilities, project organization, and staff management planning. It also involves assigning staff; assess performance of project team members, and overall management of the project team.The project manager is the ââ¬Å"Bossâ⬠of the project and Human Resource Management is essentially the knowledge area of running the project in relations to the resources assigned to the project. Communications Management This area focuses on keeping the projectââ¬â¢s stakeholders properly informed throughout the entire project. Communication is a mixture of formal and informal, written and verbal, but it is always proactive and thorough. The project manager mus t distribute accurate project information in a timely manner to the correct audience.It involves creating a communications plan that explains what kind of information should be communicated on a regular basis and who should receive it. It includes project performance reporting to stakeholders so everyone is on the same page of the project progress, for example, what is outstanding, what is late, and what risks are left to worry about, etc. Risk Management This involves planning how to handle risks to the project. Specifically the project manager must identify risks and also plan how to respond to the risks if they occur.Risk has two characteristics: Risk is related to an uncertain event, and a risk may affect the project for good or for bad. When risks are assessed, the project manager usually has to assess several things: How likely will the risk happen, how will it affect the project if it happens, and how much will it cost if it happens? The project manager will use a lot of risk analysis tools and techniques to answer these questions. Procurement Management This area focuses on a set of processes performed to obtain goods or services from an outside organization.The project manager plans purchases and acquisitions of products and services that canââ¬â¢t be provided by the project managerââ¬â¢s own organization. It includes preparing procurement documents, requesting vendor responses, selecting the vendors, and creating and administering contracts with each outside vendor. As you can see there are many knowledge areas that a project manager must excel at. Even though some areas are more important than others, each area must be executed with care and professionalism in order for any project to be successful. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â Work Breakdown Structure, WBS Chart and Project Management WBS Work Breakdown Structure, WBS, Term Definition Work brea kdown structure, WBS, is a project management technique initially developed by the US Defense Establishment, which deconstructs a project with the intent to identify the deliverables required to complete the project. The project management work breakdown structure, WBS, is utilized at the beginning of the project to define the scope, estimate costs and organize Gantt schedules.Work breakdown structure, WBS, captures all the elements of a project in an organized fashion. Breaking down large, complex projects into smaller project pieces provides a better framework for organizing and managing the project. WBS can facilitate resource allocation, task assignment, responsibilities, measurement and control of the project. The project management work breakdown structure, WBS, is utilized at the beginning of the project to define the scope, estimate costs and organize Gantt schedules.In the project management WBS it is important that the project is not broken down into too much detail as tha t can lead to micro management. Conversely, too little detail can result in tasks that are too large to manage effectively. Work breakdown structure, WBS, can be presented in a tabular list, an indented task list as part of a Gantt chart or in a hierarchical tree. More often the work breakdown structure, WBS is listed in a hierarchical tree that captures deliverables and tasks needed to achieve project completion. ork breakdown structure (WBS) * E-Mail * Print * A * AA * AAA * inShare1 * Facebook * Twitter * Share This * RSS * Reprints A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a chart in which the critical work elements, called tasks, of a project are illustrated to portray their relationships to each other and to the project as a whole. The graphical nature of the WBS can help a project manager predict outcomes based on various scenarios, which can ensure that optimum decisions are made about whether or not to adopt suggested procedures or changes.When creating a WBS, the project manager defines the key objectives first and then identifies the tasks required to reach those goals. A WBS takes the form of a tree diagram with the ââ¬Å"trunkâ⬠at the top and the ââ¬Å"branchesâ⬠below. The primary requirement or objective is shown at the top, with increasingly specific details shown as the observer reads down. When completed, a well-structured WBS resembles aà flowchartà in which all elements are logically connected, redundancy is avoided and no critical elements are left out. Elements can be rendered as plain text or as text within boxes.The elements at the bottom of the diagram represent tasks small enough to be easily understood and carried out. Interactions are shown as lines connecting the elements. A change in one of the critical elements may affect one or more of the others. If necessary, these lines can include arrowheads to indicate time progression or cause-and-effect. A well-organized, detailed WBS can assist key personnel in the effective a llocation of resources, project budgeting, procurement management, scheduling,à quality assurance,quality control, risk management, product delivery and service oriented management. Related article: Conveyor Belt Project
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Ethical Dilemmas Of The Nursing Field - 2773 Words
EXPLAINING ETHICAL DILEMMAS IN THE NURSING FIELD Nurses face ethical dilemmas on a daily basis regardless of where they practice. No matter where nurses function in their varied roles, they are faced with ethical decisions that can impact them and their patients. There is no ââ¬Å"rightâ⬠solution to an ethical dilemma (Fant 2013). So what is an ethical dilemma? It is a problem without a satisfactory resolution. The significance of ethical decision-making lies in the fact that very different ethical choices regarding the same ethical dilemma can be made resulting in neither choice being a ââ¬Å"right or wrongâ⬠decision ( 2014). Ethics involve doing ââ¬Å"goodâ⬠and causing no harm. But how one defines what is ethical can vary differently from nurse to nurse. Classes on the principles of nursing ethics give the nurse the tools to base ethical decisions upon. However, this knowledge is then shaped by the values, beliefs and experiences of the nurse. Consequently, very different choices may be made involv ing the same dilemma. There are many ethical issues nurses can encounter in the workplace. These include quality versus quantity of life, pro-choice versus pro-life, freedom versus control, truth telling versus deception, distribution of resources, and empirical knowledge versus personal beliefs. Quantity may address how long a person lives or perhaps how many people will be affected by the decision. Quality pertains to how ââ¬Å"goodâ⬠a life a person may have and this varies dependingShow MoreRelatedEthical Dilemmas in the Nursing Field537 Words à |à 2 PagesThere are several dilemmas in the nursing field though nurses reactions to ethical dilemmas are based on their individual values and beliefs as well as ethical principles, professional codes and the climate of the healthcare setting. Nurses encounter ethical dilemmas when conflicting values and judgments are present regarding what is the best course of patient care. 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Nurses provide nursing care by preventing illness, reducing suffering and promoting restoration of health in individuals, families, societies and communities. Nursing involves technical skills and abilities, duty and service to others with compassion and efficient decision-making. Nursing care ensures in meeting the needs of patients andRead MoreHow Dnr Causes an Ethical Dilemma Essay1694 Words à |à 7 PagesRunning Head: HOW DNR CAUSES AN ETHICAL DILEMMA How DNR Causes an Ethical Dilemma Deann Morgan HCA 322, Health Care Ethics and Medical Law Dr. David Cole January 22, 2010 Abstract This paper will present an argument of how the process of do not resuscitate (DNR) results in an ethical dilemma for workers in the healthcare field. In presenting the argument, thisRead MoreMy Professional Moral Compass730 Words à |à 3 PagesRunning head: MY PROFESSIONAL MORAL COMPASS My Professional Moral Compass Pamela Chesnut Grand Canyon University Ethical Decision Making in Health Care NRS 437V July 26, 2012 My Professional Moral Compass A professional moral compass is something everyone has and lives by. It helps assist in making decisions and is based on morals or virtues. My personal moral compass is directed by various inspirations, passions, and values that I try to live by. Compassion, loyaltyRead MoreThe Codes Of Conduct Are Guidelines And Procedures1347 Words à |à 6 Pagesimplemented, so that workers can adhere to the highest standards of care while utilizing ethical approaches and codes of conduct, amounts to the foundations of Long-term care facilities based on principles. It is the responsibility of such parties that include upper levels of management to the lowest levels to avoid such conduct that goes against the stated codes already establishes within the ethical areas. The healthcare field encompasses different areas and specialties, where it is deemed most common isRead MorePersonal Ethics889 Words à |à 4 Pagesmaking the best ethical decision. A nurse uses their professional moral compass to make the best decisions for their patient. Spirituality and culture contribute to how a person views the world. Spirituality and culture helps a person develop how they live their life and how they view life, health and death (Burkhardt, 2001). Nurses or healers have held a special place in many cultures. Nursing practice has grown and matured through both spiritual and cultural beliefs. Nursing philosophy is oneRead MoreEthical Dilemma In Nursing1599 Words à |à 7 Pageschoose between the two because both choices have their advantages and disadvantages. This is an ethical dilemma. An ethical dilemma involves morals that clash between each other, and some involve the legal aspect of the choices (Grohar- Murray). Everyone faces some sort of ethical dilemma. There are some professions that have to battle ethical dilemmas every day. Amongst those professions the nursing occupation and other healthcare related titles have to keep in mind several different laws, rulesRead MoreNursing Profession: The patient-nurse Relationship8 79 Words à |à 4 Pages The nursing profession is one that provides care, collaborates with others, and provides education in a variety of different settings. I choose to work in the field of nursing to advance my career from an operating room technician to a medical-surgical nurse. I enjoy the sensation of helping others and assisting with the surgical fixation of a medical complication. The American Nurses Association (ANA) created the nursing code of ethics to ensure proper moral care, goals, values, and professional
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Essay about Great Expectations and Point-of- View Dickens
Chapter 1 1. How does Dickens use setting to convey the mood right at the opening? He uses words like marshy country called the medway. River missed with seawater,Wet lots of trees,Graveyard, all are dark and strong words. 2. What does Dickens description of the first convict tell us about him? That he is scared and is a convict. 3. What is surprising about the narrative point-of- view Dickens has adopted? He says it not like how it happend but how it was in is mind. 4. How does Dickens contrast the convict and Pip? Pip is little, shy and doesnt think clearly. The convict is hesitant and worried. 5. But in what ways are these two characters similar? They both are in a bad position in life. 6. What objects does the convict wantâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦2. Note that Pip describes his alphabet as ââ¬Å"a bramble bush and his fingers as ââ¬Å"thieves; how do these references contribute to the books imagery? 3. Explain: ââ¬Å"steam was yet in its infancy (most British cities were connected by railways in 1860). 4. What is implied about Englands government when Dickens has Joe tell Pip that Mrs. Joe, being given to government, does not want him to be able to read and write? Chapter 8 1. Note the connection between the vegetation and the prison imagery in the descriptions of both Pumblechooks shop and Miss Havishams house; how is Pips very name involved in this imagery? 2. Note the description of Satis (Latin, meaning enough or plenty as in satisfaction) House: ââ¬Å"old brick, and dismal and had a great many bars to it. What other type of building does the derelict mansion seem to resemble? 3. Miss Havisham behaves like an aristocrat; by ________, however, her father made his fortune, which passed to her. 4. What does Miss Havishams appearance remind Pip of? How is this analogy apt? 5. What about Pip does Estella criticize? 6. What does his reaction to her criticism tell us about Pip? Chapter 9 1. Why does Pip ââ¬Å"embroider his account of his visit to Satis House? 2. Why do Pumblechook and Mrs. Joe believe this far-fetched account? 3. Note the admonition to the reader at the very end of the chapter; how does this passage further connect the storys vegetation and the prison imagery? Chapter 10 1.Show MoreRelatedGreat Expectations and a Christmas Carol: a True Gentleman Essay1430 Words à |à 6 PagesGreat Expectations and A Christmas Carol: A True Gentleman According to, a gentleman is a civilized, educated, sensitive, or well-mannered man. However, by Victorian definition, a gentleman was, perhaps most importantly, a rich man. ââ¬Å"Charles Dickensâ⬠¦was an author of relatively humble origins who desired passionately to be recognized as a gentleman, and insisted, in consequence, upon the essential dignity of his occupationâ⬠(Victorian Web). 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